And could it help them to conceive?
Fibroid’s (also called myomas and fibromyomas) have been conventionally treated for many years with pharmaceutical hormonal medication, and in more serious cases, some women have needed surgical procedures to treat their condition.
Fibroid’s are very common, and sadly, they stop many women from becoming pregnant and thus, starting a family.
But recent studies on the health benefits of nattokinase have shown that this incredible and powerful enzyme can reduce even more serious fibroids, eliminating the need for prescription drugs, and often, dangerous surgery.
Importantly, many women have eradicated symptoms from their body by taking a daily dose of nattokinase and have conceived for a baby.
How Common Are Uterine Fibroids?
About 25% percent of women aged between thirty and fifty will develop fibroids at some point. But fibroids are more common in Afro-Caribbean women, who can unfortunately develop them at an even younger age.
Fibroids are a hereditary disease, which means that if your mother or grandmother has, you are likely to develop them some time in your later life.
What Are Fibroids and What Causes Them?
There are several types of fibroid, each with a different name depending on where they are located (see image).
- Submucosal fibroid – grow on the inner womb wall.
- Intramural fibroid – grow in the muscular walls of womb.
- Subserous fibroid – grow on the outside of the womb and into the pelvic region.
A fibroid is a non cancerous or benign growth of fibrin and collagen, found in the smooth muscular tissue of the reproductive organs in women.
They are quite common and symptoms are usually negligible and don’t cause too much of a problem.
Many women even go through life not even knowing they have fibroids.
However, if you are in that ‘one in four’ bracket of sufferers, you can experience quite horrible symptoms because of this disease, which include the following.
- Infertility
- Pregnancy miscarriage
- Causing frequent passing of urine
- Heavy bleeding during periods
- More frequent cramps and pains during period
- Pregnancy problems
- Constipation (in rare cases)
We’ve already discussed the family consideration of the causes of fibroids, but you are also at a higher risk of developing them when your estrogen levels are high.
They are more prominent (larger) in pregnant women and in women who are over weight. And sadly, there is no conclusive research on the cause of fibroids and why they develop, other than these two reasons.
What Are Conventional Treatment Options for Fibroids?
Treatment for fibroids is usually only preferred if symptoms are quite severe, because the side effects of prescription hormonal medications are also quite severe.
However, for women who suffer heavy periods because of fibroids, a safer medicine such as the contraceptive pill or an anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen can be taken to ease period pain and bleeding.
A new medication is in trial at the moment, that does show fibroid reducing effects without the possible side effects of other hormonal medicines.
At the moment this medication is used as an emergency contraceptive (or morning after) pill, which blocks the hormone progestogen.
More clinical testing is required before it will be released as a treatment for fibroids.
What are the Surgical Treatment Options for Fibroids?
- Endometrial ablation
- MRI guided laser ablation
- MRI guided ultrasound
- Uterine fibroid embolization
- Hysterectomy
- Myomectomy
These invasive surgical procedures range from having ultrasound waves passed through your lower abdomen aimed at the fibroids (with guidance from an MRI scanner), to having a total hysterectomy.
In the middle is a Myomectomy, which is not always possible but preferred by women who want to have children in the future.
Could Nattokinase Be a Better Alternative Treatment for Fibroids?
If you are not familiar with it, Nattokinase is a biological catalyst (an enzyme) which comes from fermented soy beans, which is made into the Japanese delicacy, Natto.
You don’t have to ingest it in that form though, because it’s smelly, slimy texture would probably make you nauseous!
It is commercially produced in supplement form, but is 100% natural and organic.
Nattokinase does not have any serious side effects, unless you suffer with low blood pressure or are a hemophiliac. It naturally lowers blood pressure and this micro-nutrient also dissolves blood clots, which is great if you suffer with poor circulation (which is the reason I have used it, for many years).
Because fibroids are made up of mainly fibrin, nattokinase effectively dissipates and shrinks them, simulating the bodies natural process of producing plasmin, which naturally dissolves blood clots and fibroids.
Nattokinase increases the amount of plasmin your body makes.
Along with nattokinase, some women have reported using another systemic enzyme called serrapeptase, to shrink their fibroids. The combination of these two powerful proteases can be unstoppable, but you must ween yourself on to serrapeptase slowly, as it’s anti-inflammatory properties can cause an upset stomach.
What Do Current Users (Women) Think About Nattokinase?
You can find a lot of information about nattokinase by reading product reviews from real users and purchasers. When I was searching for herbal and natural products to help with my blood circulation, I came across many great reviewers.
One poor young woman had been suffering for years, and had endured a very long nine month period because of her fibroid condition.
But after only the third day of taking nattokinase, the bleeding and associated abdominal cramps and pains stopped completely, her blood pressure came down and she no longer suffered headaches.
She later updated her status to say that she still takes nattokinase and is hoping very much to get pregnant and have a baby soon.
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Are nattokinase and serapeptase helpful to reduce dead fibroid tissue after a uterine artery embolisation?
I’ve been told by my natural doctor and have also read in multiple places that soy is not good for fibroids. One cause for fibroids is high levels of estrogen, especially from consumption of food. Soy has levels of estrogen. So while I would really to give Nattokinase a try to shrink my family of fibroids (largest being 10cm), but I am wary because it’s made from soy. What do you think?
My experience with Nattokinase under doctor supervision is recent. My doctor has instructed that I take 1600mg of Nattokinase per day. I have subserosal fibroids. Was in a lot of pain for months, waiting for surgery. 3 weeks after taking Nattokinase at 1600mg per day, pain is gone! Hoping it means my fibroids have shrunk!
I was recently diagnosed with uterine fibroids and has been bleeding for 25 days now. How many capsules of nattokinase should I take?
Follow the instructions on the label.
I was in a similar situation last year, and my hemoglobin was very low, requiring a transfusion. You should get your hemoglobin tested side you’ve been bleeding so long.
I have breast and uterine fibroids and I am over forty. I’ve been taking Fibrenza for four months which has serrapeptase. I have no blood pressure related problems. Do you think Nattokinase would help? What should be my dosage?
Thank you.
Yes, I believe it would TM. Personally, I’ve found that 2 of GHN’s nattokinase capsules is a maximum dose, or it affects the time blood clots if you have even a small finger cut, for example.
HI I have a very large fibroid, I already take Serrapeptase but it has not shrunk it – its grown, do you think Nattokinase with help if I take both of them. Im desperate for a cure to shrink it its a big old lump. If so what quantities do you recommend
Hi Kim, thanks for your message.
I am sorry to hear of your health problems and yes, you can take both together, which is highly recommended for fibroids.
The recommended supplements are:
BlockBuster AllClear
3 capsules x 3 times a day, taken 30 minutes before food. It is a serrapeptase/nattokinase combination designed to clear inflammation related to fibroids.
1 capsule x 3 times per day. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant, that supports BAllClear.
I hope this helps.
I just ordered Nattokinase to help shrink my fibroids but I don’t have high blood pressure. I don’t have any serious health issues for that matter so is this a good product for me to take concerning my fibroids? In researching Nattokinase, I found that this product helps with Fibrin and help with blood clots. Please advise. Thanks
Yes Jennifer, and you may also want to consider serrapeptase as well.
What are the dangers of using Nattokinase if one has low blood pressure?
You should not use nattokinase if you have low blood pressure, Samantha.